Friday, October 16, 2009

Infomercials Are Making People Crazy!!!

So... It is my normal 5:56 am... and I just saw a paid commercial by Jack Van Impe that claimed that human implants are the sign of the beast. For those of you that are not familiar, this is a guy who buys his program through donations to spread the word of Jesus Christ. (The money could be spent on feeding the homeless, education, or various other things in the community, but that is a different blog). The thing that struck me on this particular night is that they were talking about human micro chipping and how it is the sign of the devil. Let me state the obvious first... people micro-chip their dogs in case they are lost, not little Timmy or Mary Sue.
Apparently it stems from the Book Of Revelations which claims that a human implant is the "Sign of the Beast", tracking their position for government rule. (And they spent all that time handing out pamphlets outside of Manson concerts!). The misinformation is that these devices (which have been done to humans on rare occasions) can track the individual like a navigation system, or that the government doesn't have more important people, groups or issues to track other than Christians.
The weird part is, there is no real reference of computer or digital tracking in the Book Of Revelation... and even Jack Van Impe's article on the subject has no scientific research backing over half of what he says, and there is no actual reference to this device actually being the sign of the devil, or the end of the world.
Do I want an implant that will one day track everything I say or do? Of course I don't. However I use basic reasoning to defend this right. I do not have to make nonsense remarks that have no scholastic measure to push my agenda. Let's bring intelligence and rational thought back people, and stop making up lies to push your beliefs!

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